Weekly Wonder

Welcome to this (belated) edition of the weekly wonderpost. Life got ahead of us and, though many articles have flown past our eyes, these are only just making it to yours. Here are the juiciest picks of the last week of May.


Interesting articles:

Do you know how many times you actually need to use your green bags?
My friend has cancer, and other tales of an exceptional friendship.
New insights to evolution: a child is showing us the way.


New in healthcare:

Artificial intelligence is changing the face of medicine as we know it.
Can we find better ways to fight infections?
Anatomy is not dead: new lymphatic pathways have been detected in mice.

A TED talk for the times:

Ever been curious about sound effects used in film? Well here are your answers.


A book to keep the mind agile:

David and Goliath: underdogs, misfits, and the art of battling giants by Malcolm Gladwell
If you ever needed someone to tell you that the weak can win over the strong, or that the tortoise really can beat the hare, you’ve found a book to make you smile with logic.


A funny meme:


Image source: http://veterinaryteam.dvm360.com/photo-gallery-17-most-lovable-laughable-animal-memes-web?pageID=5