Wonderwoman and odd socks

For most of us, it was an average week at the office (can we even call it an office when our little hub is officially the “nurses’ station”?) but there were some big things in the media. Paris. Wonderwoman. And a campaign for odd socks. If you wore some bright and ill-matching foot-warmers, send us your best pics.

Interesting articles this week:

If you are feeling wanderlust and a desire to get out of the cold, check out these beautiful travel destinations.
If you’ve ever been curious as to the makings of Amazonian myths, this article will shed some light on the topic.
Though you’re rarely scrubbing the floors of someone else’s home, the messages in this story ring true.


Interesting in health:

Did you know that creative, or open, minds work differently to the less creative?
Revolutions in healthcare outcomes are possible. But it takes time and attention to detail.
Neuroscience: on recognising faces.


A book to read:

Wild by Cheryl Strayed – if you’ve been seeking new adventures but haven’t the time to don your hiking boots, pick up this gem and get into the wilderness.


A TED talk to watch:

Searching for wonder? Here is a lexicographer who will give you a whole new perspective on words.


A funny meme:


Image source: https://me.me/i/5679489