Of full wards and flu season

The “worst flu season” in recent history may still be upon us (I, for one, have had a total of four colds this year, and one was probably the flu) and our wards remain overfull. The system is under strain and so too, I imagine, are you.

But there is relief on the horizon! Spring is coming, the days are getting longer, and those long awaited winter wards might actually open.

Drown your sorrows in some of these interesting articles.

TED talk of the week:
What morals do driverless cars have? What would they do in a situation where the choice is between your life or many pedestrians? This guy has a deeper look at our world views.

Book of the week:
Still Alice, a book so good it was made into a film, is the tale of a young woman who falls prey to the all-too-common older-persons’ disease known as Alzheimer’s. It’s a fascinating view into something we see from the outside. Be prepared for tears.

And you can’t go past this week without thinking about the recent solar eclipse. Check out amazing images here.

'Interesting... From the way you describe it, it's almost as though the flu has... 'gone viral,' per se.'

Image source: here from here