New beginnings

It’s a time for change. The flowers are blooming, the weather is warming, and some lucky souls among us have found out what 2018 will hold. It’s a time for planning and starting afresh.

Here are some articles to make you wonder about how our world could be different.

  • A century ago, the motor engine was popularised. If only the story had unfolded differently.
  • New methods for “smart factories” are on the horizon.
  • The wiffle ball and sports. Things you didn’t know you wanted to know about.

It’s not a TED talk, but if you’re interested in knowing new things, you should check out these podcasts. I was enthralled to learn that the US is, in its own way, actually already on the metric system.

Book to read:
Written by an up-and-coming Melbourne writer, Our Magic Hour is a fictional insider’s view to the complexities of modern relationships and learning to understand ourselves.

Me, studying for exams.

