Ten things I’m stupdendously grateful for, prior to turning 30 :-) Who needs a gratitude journal when I have Microsoft word Kikki K???? What a waste of money #powerpose

It is a month till I turn 30 so this month I must be very grateful for every last minute of my receding 20s. Also I really believe that finding things to be grateful for everyday will help me to be a super cheerful person, rather like Brooke Socks. So here it goes…

Ten things I am grateful for from the week 15/6-22/6/17:

  1. Phone calls to my parents on a Sunday evening… these conversations range from:
  • Me watching them watch tv,
  • Me watching them talk to each other,
  • Me daydreaming whilst my mother asks me questions then gets cranky when I don’t reply
  • To my mother telling me the entire plot of Poldark so that I can catch up to the current episode (even though I have told her I won’t be watching the show).
  1. Managing to watch Dr Who 2 weeks in a row. Moreover, the past two episodes had the British army and the Roman army respectfully and I do like ridiculous historical dramas and delightful costumes.
  2. My friend W gave me a gift. I get very excited about gifts… And with this gift I can pretend to study, whilst really reading a comic with historical figures in neuroscience and a violent octopus.


  1. My mother amusing me again… She can’t seem to understand that I shared a link to an article because I thought it would interest her. She was so very baffled. Her response was huh, what? Did you write this? Also, she didn’t understand the concept of a screen shot either. Sorry, Micaela and Le Gai, my mother’s response to this message was pleasant confusion… What who is this that sent me a message? But you just sent it to me? Like what…?


  1. Lorde’s new album! Pure Heroine was great, though I was far too old to relate to the teenage shenanigans. I also like Melodrama, despite the fact I have never been a part of the drinking culture and have never been to a house party so cannot relate to lyrics like – “All the time spent off our faces”. I’ve been listening to it all week! Particular highlights:
  • The chorus of “Writer in the dark” reminded me of Kate Bush. Mentally pantomiming putting my hands on a glass pane, then flitting about the moors in a red flowing dress whilst singing, “Heathcliff it’s me, Cathy, come home” has gotten me through many a tough moment.
  • Also lyrics like, “What the fuck are perfect places” and “Blowing shit up with homemade dynamite” remind me that there are many people in the world who use swear words as their main nouns and adjectives. So I don’t feel quite so bad, since I have basically sworn constantly in my head since 2015, when I started working as a registrar.
  1. Also memes related to the latter sentiment, especially sent by friends who relate to the experience… (and memes in general)

7. Transitioning to eMR2 this week. Whilst powerchart went down many times and the new cows are rather large and cumbersome, I am ever so grateful for the progress. It gives me hope that one day we will no longer use pagers and that I will get to participate in the giant pager smash up that will occur when that day comes. Though, a status from the most fabulous Tessa (still fan-gurling) suggests that could be a while…


8. I have a snood with a hood and so my ears are ever so warm…

9. I am also blessed to be an amazing fashionista. As such, I have worn both bobble hair bands on my bun today and in times of strife, I just have to touch my bun for automatic amusement. It also looks great.


  1. I am grateful for neurosurgery registrars. Of course they do surgery and they don’t sleep and are ever so stressed, whilst providing a valuable service to the community, saving lives one brain at a time, dealing with dreadful brain tumours etc. However, I am mainly grateful because the current ones are excellent outlets for my desire to troll people constantly. I mean, I was nice enough not to knock when they put a sign on their office door saying “DON’T KNOCK!” Presumably someone was asleep, but as soon as someone puts a sign saying not to do something, I want to do the opposite (I did this many times as a child, as a result suffering many burns from the stove and kettle). But my self control only extends so far.

(I like pretty stationary very much Kikki K. Can I still have my birthday gift please)